The Musical Brain

Helping kids comprehend and retain music concepts in a creative way (Scroll to bottom of page to search for topic)

Give Me 5! A Kinesthetic Way to Learn Piano Finger Numbers
Learn piano as a family · Teach piano

Give Me 5! A Kinesthetic Way to Learn Piano Finger Numbers

Piano finger numbers and beginner hand positions are what most students learn in primer piano method books. Quite often though, these books don’t give the time for the young student to let the concepts sink in before moving on to new concepts. This often times leaves students frustrated, and then they avoid practicing their instrument. I get it, I’m a piano teacher, I’ve seen the frustration- so I created what I like to call ‘Give Me 5!’

How to help Kids Memorize Notes in the Grand Staff
Reading Music

How to help Kids Memorize Notes in the Grand Staff

“But I can’t figure out these notes! There are too many, and it’s too hard!”
Yep, that’s a common phrase us piano teachers hear from our students. But I got tired of hearing it. I knew about the music acronym approach, but didn’t realize how effective it was. Something my ADHD brain would have thanked me for if I knew it growing up. It’s a creative way of looking at how to read those “boring notes”.


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